Sunday, June 28, 2020

What is the Best Way to Avoid Cheap Assignment Writers?

What is the Best Way to Avoid Cheap Assignment Writers?Cheap assignment writers are a dime a dozen nowadays. Do not allow yourself to be taken in by scams that promise quick riches and quick travel to exotic locations. I am sure you have experienced writers scamming their way to success and fast riches without giving a care about the consumer.Well, I am here to tell you that you are not the lazy writer that you think you are. I did not get where I am today without the hard work. Sooner or later I made some mistakes so I went back to school to get my Ph.D. in English, which at the time was considered by many to be a degree that was easier to get than doctorates in any other disciplines. After having gone through that college experience I then started my own writing company, I would go on to teach writing, and I was making a lot of money then.I was taking on cheap writers to help me with the extra work that I had started in my business. As the business grew I hired writers faster than the students coming into my class and I was paying them what they were worth for the work they would do.Now you might ask yourself why I felt this way, I am not a crazy person, I also wanted to be well respected as a writer. I was also paid a little more than the average writer, so I was still able to live a fairly comfortable life. I did not go from student to self-employed writer overnight. It took years of hard work and a lot of forethought.You see the paper you write on may have a deadline, but if you are not writing a quality paper it will be thrown away and no one will read it. That is the truth of the matter, and if you are not able to write an acceptable paper no one will want to give you a chance to write for them. So how do you prevent the cheap writers and the ones that only write to get rich, I ask myself the same question, and I would not even know where to begin.First, you need to develop a good list of writers that you want to work with. I like to do that by going thr ough my old assignment manuscripts to find ones that I feel should be returned. The last thing you want to do is take on the first cheap writer that you come across.Next, get in touch with your clients and ask them if they would mind having a list of assignment writers before they order anything from you. This could save you a lot of time because they are much less likely to pay someone who you have not shown them before and trusted. They will not hesitate to go ahead and order from you if they feel they can trust you.Last, put together a team that works well together and that you can rely on when times are tough, especially if you are in a writing business. All of these things make up a solid team. Have fun!

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