Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sept. 2020 - Your Best Essay Topics

Sept. 2020 - Your Best Essay TopicsHere is a list of some excellent essay topics for Sept. 2020: | Age of Consent, but young teens} Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll, but young teens. Aging the Internet: As computers replace human interaction in many aspects of life, is aging the Internet inevitable?History: Is our society subject inhumane to women who want to get pregnant when they are teen mothers? Free Speech: What right do we, as a people, have to put restrictions on a person's right to express themselves freely? The Future of the Public?Local Politics: Is the next presidential election a good test case for America? Immigration: Is it worth it to deport thousands of illegal aliens and their children who are bringing up our children? Searching for answers: Is our society lacking in collective wisdom or more importantly, does our media mislead us?Weight Loss Products: Is junk food killing us? Health Care Reform: Are we moving toward a single payer or another GOP bill? Socialization: Wil l we re-imagine the health care system as a public service?Financial Blogosphere: Has the Internet changed the way we shop and spend? Religion: Are those who oppose gay marriage to blame for stoning a person to death? How do you tell the difference between an economic downturn and a bubble burst?Good new essay topics should begin with a history lesson, move on to the Internet's impact on society and culture, and end with a call for action to address a major societal problem. Choose your topic wisely, as many opportunities will arise in the next few years that can help the writer and improve your chances of landing an award.Sept. 2020 is approaching quickly, so act now to fill your calendar with engaging essay topics for this pivotal year in history. The more you have planned for the future, the better your odds will be for finding what you are looking for. Take the time to think about what is important and start to plan your writing in earnest, especially if you think you might be i nterested in winning an award.

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