Sunday, December 29, 2019

Theme of Revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay - 872 Words

For a play to be considered a revenge tragedy, revenge has to be a prevalent theme throughout. Revenge needs to be intertwined in character interactions, and have a strong hold on the driving force of the plot. The desires of Hamlet, Laertes, and young Fortinbras each exhibit how the plot of Hamlet, by William Shakespeare revolves entirely around revenge. The theme of revenge starts off very early in the play, when Hamlet speaks with the ghost of his deceased father. When the ghost tells Hamlet how Claudius murdered him, Hamlet is infuriated and overtaken with feelings of responsibility to right the wrong that has been done; to murder Claudius. The effects of this experience on Hamlet are portrayed clearly in the following quote, And†¦show more content†¦Hamlet, through soliloquy, tells his audience that he has a master plan of revenge for his father. He plans to act insane, and commits to the role very well; almost too well. The portrayal pf Hamlet’s initial undert aking of his insanity act is easily shown by what he says to Gertrude, That essentially am not in madness, but mad in craft. ( ---) This shows that Hamlet was only acting crazy as a component of his revenge scheme. However, later in the play we witness the murder of Polonius by Hamlet. Hamlet killed Polonius without meaning to, thinking he was killing the king who murdered his father. But right as he realizes what he has done, he has no sympathy or regret for his actions, and simply brushes it off as a mistake well spent. Hamlet says after the deed, How now? A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead! Hamlet (III, iv, 23) This quote is clearly an argument for Hamlet’s right state of mind, and only further develops the plot of the story. He begins to become a reckless killing machine, which changes from what he wanted in the beginning; to only kill Claudius. The desire and thirst for revenge in Hamlet’s self overtook his senses of better judgment, and he began to act on impulse. R evenge essentially was the root of all of Hamlet’s evils, and developed thisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Vengeance in Shakespeares Hamlet - The Theme of Revenge1162 Words   |  5 PagesThe Theme of Revenge in Hamlet    In Shakespeares tragedy,  Hamlet, the thoughts of revenge are introduced early in the play. At the end of the first act, Hamlet meets the ghost of his deceased father. He is brought to see him by Horatio and Marcellus, who saw the ghost yesternight (Shakespeare 1.2.190). During this exchange of words between the Ghost and Hamlet, the Ghost tells Hamlet, [s]o art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear. (Shakespeare 1.5.5). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Republic Of Rwand A Nation Of Middle East Africa

The Republic of Rwanda is a sovereign nation in Middle East Africa that is filled with a rich history that dates back to the 19th century. Kingship in Rwanda started well before Germany’s colonization in 1897. The indigenous state was governed through a central monarchy, and relied heavily on the kings’ predecessors of one of the three royal dynasties and spiritual protection from havoc and misfortune. The king, also, ruled alongside the â€Å"Queen Mother†, who served an important role in carrying out executive orders. The kings’ descendants were referred to as Tutsi; and people of non-royal descent were called Hutu. Rwandan rulers carried out multiple military conquests throughout middle-east Africa that overpowered different kingdoms and†¦show more content†¦German, Belgian, and French colonialists along with Christian missionaries orchestrated and perpetrated both the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 and the Rwandan Revolution of 1959. The church was thriving and working alongside the state, promoting â€Å"tribalism† and ethnic distinction. The Hamitic hypothesis was the states and church’s ideology about Rwanda’s history at the time, but many people until this day blame the church for not offering moral and spiritual support. Christian missionaries, especially the Roman Catholic Church, were the brain and hands of the colonial state. The church was involved politically, socially, and economically and situated themselves deep within the backbone of the country. It was not until 1900 when the first mission arrived and settled in Rwanda. The mission was established by the Society of Our Lady of Africa, commonly known as the White Fathers. Monsignor Lavigerie, the founder of the order, â€Å"promoted the idea that to implant Christianity successfully in a society, missionaries should focus their efforts at conversion first and foremost on political authorities. If chiefs and kings could be convinced to adopt Christianity, Lavigerie argued, their subjects would naturally follow† (Longman 7). Although this may be true, Yuhi Musinga, refused to be baptized a Roman Catholic. A delegation of White Fathers along with

Friday, December 13, 2019

Electronic Grading System Free Essays

The purpose of this study is to support and improve the grading system of NDNI (Notre Dame of New Iloilo). The current grading system of NDNI, which uses Excel is difficult on the part of the user. Not all of the users are fully computer literate and they have to process the student grade by themselves without proper monitoring of the Principal. We will write a custom essay sample on Electronic Grading System or any similar topic only for you Order Now Moreover E. G. S (Electronic Grading System) is fixed. In response to this problem, the solution is a user- friendly program, well guided system operation. The E. G.S is a system that can help to process the grading system of NDNI. It is a system version improved by the IT Students of Notre Dame of Marbel University last 2009-2010. The flow of system is when the registrar finished initialize the user accounts of (teachers only), the registrar can import class list from the teachers record. As the imported data is gather from the teachers record, it will saved. Then the teacher can now update class record. And the registrar can view class record to monitor the performance of the teacher students. II. Project Description A . Background of the StudyThe current system of NDNI which uses Excel is difficult on the part of user. Not all the users are computer literate and they have to process the students’ grade by themselves without the proper monitoring of the Principal. The problem also in Excel is that environmental that can cause error in case the user clicked or pressed accidentally. While E. G. S is fixed to use by user. However the teacher has option to do computing manually if the E. G. S can’t support their needs. In response to this, the solution is a user-friendly program that can be accessed by the user.NDNI is currently using Excel as means of computing student grades. In terms of Excel, it is not easy to the part of the teachers’ to access the grade of the students immediately as needed, because sometimes it can cause environmental error. B. Statement of the Problem The current grading system used by NDNI in Excel. It is not easy for the part of the teacher’s to access the grade of the students. C. Objectives a. General Objectives This project aims to automate the grading system of Notre Dame of New Iloilo by providing an Electronic Grading System. b. Specific Objectives – To help the users to easily access the grades of the students. D. Significance of the Study This study is significant as stated for the following reasons: -It is user-friendly and adds convenience -Certain grading criteria can be set w/o adding formulas in every spreadsheet cell. -Faster transactions. -Easier records transfer (import and export) -Ease of accessibility E. Scope and Limitations of the Study – The coverage of the study includes entities such as Registrar and Teachers. However, the students are also included as a receiver. The proposed project is relying on the exported excel file of the students record from the teacher record. Also, it will only process the grade of the students for a period of time. Common concept for a class records are being observed and applied for this application. Registrar and Principal can view all records . The teachers can only view their own records. F. Methodology Phase I (Preliminary Investigation) †¢Conducting a survey and interview -Required to get information needed to identify and organized process of the system to be developed. †¢Define the new system objective †¢Set the scope and limitation How to cite Electronic Grading System, Papers